Cultivating Enchantment

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An Enchanting Vacation Continued…

Don’t you just love the episodes that pick up directly where the last left off?

Well to recap, we are in the middle of an epic journey - the most expansive experience of my life in fact. So far we’ve traveled to:

  • The Desert Metro of Salt Lake City, Utah where we attended a the Blackout Tour back

  • Across nearly the entire bottom portion of Idaho visiting the Idaho treasure which is Shoshone Falls eventually coming to stay in our first AirBNB in Nampa, Id.

  • The heart of Oregon, Bend.

    (Make sure you go back to read Part 1!)

Now if you are thinking of visiting Oregon, know that the East half looks nothing like what you imagine, that traditional “Pacific Northwest” climate and terrain doesn’t really happen until you get about half way through the state.

So THIS is when the trip gets EPIC - waterfalls, the ocean, and flowers EVERYWHERE!

And the best part for us? Our wonderful family who were able to meet in this paradise to create lifelong memories together.

Enchanting Experiences

Silverton, Oregon - If cottage core were to have an epicenter, it could arguably be Silverton, Oregon. All the houses are Cottage, Craftsman, and Victorian style - everyone is a different color, and almost all have extensive gardens bursting with flowers.

This place is particularly special to me because as we casually cruised the streets taking in the sights, we passed something that made Andy immediately flip the car around just to go back for a second look. A sign reading “45th Parallel”.

When I was a kid, when my family would travel between our home in Challis, along the river road to Salmon, Idaho. Along our way, we would pass the 45th Parallel, and every.single.time. my mama would call it out and honk the car horn.

Years later, as I would drive to my then home in Moscow, Idaho - I would take an entirely different route but would pass that sign…and I would honk.

And now it’s here. In this place. It’s like my realities have been pinched together and touching, sewn together by a common thread.


We pulled over, took this picture, and honked as we passed by it on our way back to the farm.

Buena Vista Lavendar Farm - Where do I even begin other than to say that THIS place is the most beautiful piece of property, I have ever set foot on.

To wake here, walk the beautiful grounds, watch the sunrises and sunsets, to experience the treasured memories being created, all made possible with the generous invitation of our family…truly what a blessing.

It feels just like Lavender smells here, soft and forcibly peaceful as if the land and the flowers command it.

A charming pond, sweet farm animals and of course rows and rows of Lavender - I cannot recommend enough that you have this experience for yourself - and you can! If you live in the area or are feeling inspired to travel through the cottage core haven around Silverton, you can book one of three airbnbs!

Silver Falls State Park - No amount of pictures, Reels or Tiktoks could have prepared me for the magnitude of the wonder I would feel in this place.

This was truly an awe-inspiring experience, one my teenage son tried to skip out on BTW, but WOW! was he glad I made him go on this adventure with us.

Silver Falls State Park is considered the crown jewel of all the state parks in Oregon and for good reason. Not only is it the largest state park with over 9,000 acres, but boats more than 24 miles of walking trails, 14 miles of horse trails and 4 miles of bike paths BUT the area is absolutely STUNNING!

Considered a ‘Warm Mediterranean” climate, it felt like we were stepping into a completely different world - to be honest it felt like we were walking through Jurassic Park.

And standing behind the waterfalls…so powerful, so surreal, just an INCREDIBLE experience.

We hiked nearly 4 miles through 2 trail loops - the kids did great! And afterwards, we enjoyed a meal at South Falls Cafe where we watched a brave chipmunk sneak around looking for snacky snacks.


Newport, Oregon - There is a part of the story within the Lord of the Rings in which Gandalf the White is delivering messages to the Three Hunters from Galadriel. The message she gives Legolas,

Legolas Greenleaf long under tree
In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea!
If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore,
Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.”

When I am near the ocean, that is how I feel.

As someone who has resided in a land locked state for the entirety of my life, the Ocean is one of the most enchanting forces on this planet.

The sound, the smell, the way the sand moves under your feet…and there are tiny natural treasure everywhere! It’s just AWE inspiring, I love it. Andy loves it! (He is a former Portlandian of 6 years) And we want that experience for our children as often as we are able to gift it to them.

So we planned a day’s excursion to Newport where we visited the beach, the Tide pools, and the Oregon Coast Aquarium!

East Oregon Aquarium - Now if you are new here, you may not know that I’m weirdly afraid of fish. I know consciously that they probably won’t hurt me, but the Fear is still there, so I was a bit nervous for this experience BUT have to do it for the kids.

And it was AWESOME!

Walking through the Shark and Ray tunnel was one of the most surreal experiences, we stood inside for a solid 30 minutes before moving on to the next exhibits.

We were mesmerized watching the seals glide through the water, delighted by the Puffins in the aviary section and enthralled watching the octopus climb along the glass.

The kids by far enjoyed the touch tanks the most where they were able touch various sea creatures like Star Fish, Sea Cuumbers, and Urchins! Mesmerized watching the seals glide through the water and delighted by the Puffins in the aviary section.

We all agree that Oregon Coast Aquarium is a 10/10 Must Visit Destination!

The Gardens

  • Having recently began our own flower farming journey, it was an absolute dream to visit another farm. Seeing someone succeed at your dream, experiencing it in person, granted me such a greater appreciation for my own journey, excited me for the future and rooted me into the reality of what is truly possible for us. And I have a wonderful family to guide me along my way.

  • Daisies! Daisies everywhere! Here in Idaho, our summer drives are full of the bright faces of sunflowers smiling at us from the roadside. In oregon, it’s daisies! Giant avalanching mounds spilled across the landscape. They kept our hearts smiling through the long miles in the car as we traveled through the state.

  • What in the Foxglove is going on?! Again, where I am from Foxglove - Digitalis - is something we intentionally purchase and plant. In Oregon, it’s considered a weed. WHAT?! Yes they are a bit poisonous but…I mean what’s life without a little danger? Not nearly as beautiful as it is with them in it.

Reading + Watching + Loving

  • Andy is an avid Fantasy reader, even if he falls asleep watching a movie, he’ll still get up and read a few pages before going back to sleep for the night. Right now, he’s reading Destiny: Child of the Sky by Elizabeth Haydon, the 3rd of the Symphony of Ages series.

  • FIN! All our kids have been stuffie kids but Xander hasn’t had that ONE until now. While visiting the East Oregon Aquarium, we stopped in the gift shop and found the CUTEST stuffie shark. Xander has not let him out of his sight.

  • “Fidget pack” - We knew going in that we were in for a looooong drive, so in preparation to the trip we made sure to pack Liam’s black fanny pack with various fidget toys to give the kids a place to focus those wiggles. And it worked like a charm!

Want to experience our enchantments unfolding in real time? Make sure to follow us on Instagram!

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