Cultivating Enchantment

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All Hail Leo Season!

Here on Earth, we now enter the PEAK of the summer season. Gone are the cool evenings or occasional rain having both been replaced by constant warmth generated by our closeness to the Sun and his heat emanating rays.

As is only appropriate, within the cosmos from July 20th - August 22, the Sun will now sit as the supreme ruler of the Cosmic Throne.  His influence sparking within us the initiative and confidence to shine our light and in so doing, highlight the limitless possibilities and abundance around us. 

The Fixed Element of Fire + The consistent energy of the Sun + The Summer's energy of growing and living to the fullest = An ambitious cat with the consistent motivation to hunt down and catch any desire which they set their sights on.

Break out your goblets, it's time to Celebrate Leo Season!

Whether or not you are blessed to have placements within Leo in your own chart, each of us has the ability to tap into this powerhouse of a sign.

 Let's shine some light on how each of us can harness Leo energy.

Shine Your Light

Leo is the natural ruler of the 5th house - The House of Self Expression, Creativity, Joy and Pleasure.

In addition, in one's natal chart, the sun represents the Self - one's will and vitality, and is considered the spark of the entire chart.

Leo energy is pure sunshine…lighting up the infinite possibilities for existence, HOW life can be expressed and how it can be enjoyed.

Therefore, Leo's are naturally in tune with the wonder and value of their own expression.  And they aren’t afraid to show it.

Remember darlings, The Sun SHINES and doesn’t give a fuck if it blinds anyone.

Neither do Leos.

And Neither should you.


Cultivate Confidence

Because Leo's are able to see the value in shining their light and owning their expression, Leo energy is CONFIDENT.

So naturally we can all learn to tap into those Leo vibes by cultivating more confidence in ourselves and our abilities.

3 simple ways you can begin boosting your confidence are by

  • Challenging Yourself

  • Celebrating Your Wins

  • Following Through

Each of these 3 practices will bring awareness to your ability to step outside of your comfort zone and survive. And each time you survive and live to tell the tell, you will be reassured by your very own experiences that you can overcome obstacles, set backs and circumstance.

Granting you more CONFIDENCE!

Spark Joy

I am sure by now you have heard the phrase, “This sparks Joy.” made famous by cleanliness guru Marie Kondo.

But how often are you consciously sparking Joy in your own life?

Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure or happiness. Though often used synonymously with happiness, they actually differ in duration. Joy is a momentary experience rooted in the present. (Happiness is a more a long term experience)

As a sign who is literally ruled by the 5th house of Joy, Leo's have a natural knack for finding new ways to both observere and spark delight in the world around them and share that joy with the rest of us.

To harness Leo energy, consciously create more joy in your life!

Not sure how?

  • Use Marie’s technique of bringing awareness to how your body is responding to different stimuli. If you body opens up in excitement - Joy. If your body tends to close in on itself - not joy. Surround yourself with as much of the things that Spark Joy and share those experiences with others so they can begin finding their own joy as well.

  • Make time to play! Be silly! Do something that has no gain other than the joy you feel when you do it! ( I ride the shopping cart to the car and I am never going to stop!)


  • Watch this Tedx, Where Joy Lies and Where to Find it by Ingrid for inspiration! I have watched this TedX a dozen times, and I am always lit up afterwards!

Spoil Yourself Like A Royal

The Sun is literally the center of our solar system, so who can blame Leos for feeling like they're the true heirs to the Cosmic throne?

Leo desires life with ALL the amenities - lavish accommodations, royal proportioned affairs, pleasurable company - and they are absolutely willing to create that luxury lifestyle for themselves. 

 So how can we each radiate that same royal splendor?

 What puts you in touch with your own majesty?

When do you feel like a Queen? King?

How can you pamper or even spoil yourself?

 And simply do more of those things!

Ambitious Consistence

Like their fiery brethren, Aries and Sagittarius, Leo is what is considered a Masculine sign. Masculine energy is associated with being outwardly expressive, initiating and action driven. However, the fiery energy of Leo differs in that they are a FIXED Fire sign, granting them CONSISTENCY.

Envision the way the Sun appears to travel across the sky. Obviously, it is we who orbit the sun, but from our POV the Sun arises early and drives itself along the same commute from East to West EVERY.SINGLE. DAY.

 The Sun and his blessed children, Leos, are AMBITIOUSLY CONSTISTENT. Same fiery projection, action and ambition…but with the consistency of our orbit around the Sun.

We can spark more Leo energy into our lives by asking ourselves,

  •  What goals do you have set for yourself?

  • What commute are you making in mind, body and spirit each day? i.e. what are our habits, common mindsets, feelings we are investing in.

  • Is your path consistently attracting or distracting you from your goals?


Leadership is a natural path for Leo's to find themselves. Their ruling "Planet", the Sun, is the center of our planetary system and the sole provider of light for our planet.

But what exactly is leadership?

Leadership is loosely defined as the ability for an individual or a group to influence and guide others;and often used synonymously with authoritative titles.

However, someone can be an authority and not be a leader. And leaders are often born from those with little to no officially granted authority.

Simon Sinek, world renowned author and inspirational speaker, defines Leadership as: granting one’s self the authority to look after those around them.

In addition he states that true Leadership can be measured in "the care you take, in taking care of those in your charge."


Without the Planets, our Sun, is just a star. It is the way in which it takes care of those around it which makes it the true leader of our solar system.

Leadership is something we can step into for ourselves, we do not need permission from others to step into the role of leader.

Is there a place in your life that is calling you to step into a leadership position? And if so, what care are you taking in taking care of those in your charge?

Give Generously

Though Leo's have a tendency for the fancy life, they have far more to offer this reality than the golden trinkets that they may acquire to soothe their inner monarch.

Leo's greatest gift are their golden hearts.

Leo is a fixed sign, meaning it’s function is to implement the intentions of the cardinal sign of the season - in this case Cancer. As such, Leo energy seeks to nurture connections and enrich the lives of their families, friends, and communities.

Considered the most generous of the Zodiac, Leo's are notorious in the best way for shining their light, love and riches upon those around them.

 Again, without the planets, the Sun is just another star.

 So where in your life can you shine light, love, and yes even riches on those around you?

Caution: With great light comes great shadow

With great light comes great shadow, so if you find yourself working with Leo energy, it’s important to bring awareness to a few qualities that may be lurking in the tall grass and ready to pounce on you.

  1. Arrogance - Again, as the Sun is the Center of the Universe, it is not uncommon for Leo's or those embodying that energy to be perceived as Arrogant and/or Self Serving. Being an active listener and a dash of humility go a long way.

  2. Taken Advantage - Where Leo's generous nature is admiral, there are those in this world who will take advantage of how much Leo's are willing to give. Healthy Relationship Dynamics - Is this situation detrimental to my own health and well being?

  3. Combative - As the Royal, Leo energy likes things the LEO way. The consistent drive of this energy is unyielding in pursuit of desire and those who embody the Leo vibes WILL burn what lies in their path to obtain it. BUT, Leo is going to war with "class", expect "OH, BLESS THEIR HEARTS!" type of sass.

So there you have it!

Raise your goblets and shout to the Cosmos, “All Hail Leo Season”!

The Fixed Element of Fire + The, constant energy of our cosmic provider + The Summer's energy of growing and living to the fullest = One ambitious cat with the consistent motivation to hunt down and catch any desire they set their sights on.

And by implementing some of the practices listed above, even if you weren’t born under the Sun Sign Leo, you can absolutely harness that power and learn to shine in your own right!

Now go blind some haters and live your joy!

With Love and Magic,

Randi Ruby

P.S. I dedicate this post to my Dear Ones - Kara and Aaron. Both Leos with truly golden hearts. My life and the lives of everyone around you are richer because of your presence. Every day I am grateful that the Universe saw fit for our paths to cross, and I hope with all my soul that we meet again in the many incarnations yet to come. Thank you for the light and love. You are both true treasures.

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