Hello Libra Season

Can we admit that the collective has been impatiently awaiting Autumn all year?

Well it's officially upon us! The world feels FULL!

Sweet breezy days, chilly nights, waking to foggy mornings, steaming hot beverage, our gardens near their final harvests and of course THE LEAVES! 

The seeds that we have sewn and nurtured through the Spring and Summer season are now being reaped. And now that we have had two seasons to get our fill under the light of the bright sun and warm weather, the cold weather and growing reign of darkness, we begin granting ourselves permission to draw our attention inward. towards are immediate environment and the small charms that delight us in everyday life.

In the cosmos, Venus the planetary goddess of Love, Beauty and Value has once again seated herself upon the cosmic throne. The pull is so strong that we actively feel ourselves drawn to that attractive new stranger or even the more scandalous manifestations of Love, remember that toxic ex? The one you were head over heels for in spite of their shadow side?

The Autumn energy of harmony , balance between day and night +  the Venetian motivation in the realms of Love, Beauty and Values = A sign with the ability to create a reality with the Love, Connection and Beauty we all hope to experience in our life times.

 Hello Libra Season…the pleasure is ours.

Libra season is here to not only grace us with love and beauty but with the balance each of us needs to sustain ourselves and our relationships through the "dark" half of the year.

Now not all of us are blessed to have Libra in our own charts. BUT it's Libra Season! Libra energy is ABUNDANTLY flowing through the Universe and it’s the perfect time to begin tapping into the super powers of the sign.

 So let's get started!

How to Harness Libra Energy

Cultivate Balance

 "Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create."

 Libra season is marked by the Autumn Equinox, a time of equal day and night. For this reason, Libra sign is the scales, denoting Libra's natural proclivity for Balance.

 As we enter the dark park of the year, we are drawn to examine both the Light and Darker aspects within ourselves, and the world around us. We are now reaping what we have sewn. In some areas we may feel overwhelming gratitude and abundance. However, we may also be experiencing the opposite - resentment and lack.

 We best work with this Libra energy by finding ways to create not just balance - 50% this and 50% - but more HARMONY. Harmony is an agreement, an arrangement, that creates a pleasing effect.

 To begin harnessing Libra energy ask yourself,

Do you feel there are aspects of your life where you feel out of balance? Why?

What changes can you make to create more harmony in your everyday life?

Find What Enriches You

Planet Venus rules over two signs and represents our motivations in the realms Love, Beauty and Values.

 In the Fixed Earth Sign of Taurus, Venetian influence motivates us towards pursuit of material possessions and that which brings security surrounding food/water/shelter.

In the case of Cardinal Air Sign Libra, Venus' influence manifests as the discovery and cultivation of that which brings us security in the realms of thoughts and energetic partnerships.

This comes back to finding balance - balance between what enriches the physical realm of earth and the mental realms of Air.

What makes you feel RICH? What makes you feel healthy, wealthy and wise?

Start exploring, envisioning, and constructing an action plan because Libra, as a Cardinal sign, is responsible for setting the intentions of the Autumn season.

The intentions we set now, will create the movement and momentum for what we will receive later in the season.

And remember, it’s the dark half of the year. Make sure those intentions are going to be sustainable through the darkness that lies ahead.

Explore Partnerships

Each astrological sign rules over one of the twelve houses in astrology. Each house is an aspect of our reality where the energy of the sign is most strongly expressed. Libra rules the 7th house - The House of Partnerships. It governs all partnerships, both business and personal, and relationship-associated matters such as contracts, marriage, and business deals.

During Libra season, we are collectively drawn to examine the relationships within our lives. Within each partnerships is reflected both the masculine energy of giving and the divine feminine energy of receiving. Together these forces are CREATION.

To work with Libra energy, start questioning the partnerships you share.

What am I receiving in this relationship?

What am I giving in this relationship?

Is this harmonic?

And how can I cultivate more Harmony in my relationships?

Practice Self Love

Speaking of partnerships, what kind of relationship are you having with yourself?

Libra energy has a very specific lesson - So often when we are seeking love, we tend to look outside of ourselves, when in reality the love that we experience is a direct reflection of the love that we give to ourselves.

This is the reason that it is so crucial for everyone, not just Libra, to cultivate some self love practices.

When we practice self love we understand our worth, we see our potential, we invest in ourselves.

In addition,  we are then able to set the energetic standards for what we want and deserve in our other relationships.

 Three simple ways to begin cultivating more self love are

  • Explore your core values. When you know what you stand for, it’s easier to identify your worth because you are literally anchoring that energy onto the planet.

  • Lean into the partnerships with persons, places, things or ideas that make you feel inspired and empowered.

  • SET THOSE BOUNDARIES. STOP allowing that which doesn’t align with what you to occupy time and/or space in your life.


Libra is a Cardinal Air Sign. Cardinal signs act as the initiators or intention setters of each season. Air signs rule over the Mind - our thoughts, communication, and perception of time. (See Elemental Witchcraft)

As such, Libra season is the perfect time to examine the way in which think and speak, particularly with our selves because that will inevitably impact our relationships with ourselves and with others.

Are your thoughts more constructive or destructive? How do you communicate with yourself? Is the way you communicate with yourself the way that you would communicate with someone you love?

Once you have explored the way you communicate with yourself, try creating some affirmations that are constructive and align with what you want to call in by working with Libra energy. (Pro-tip: Affirmations work very well for those who have identified "Words of Affirmation" as their primary love language. )

Or you could try working with these Libra affirmations until you get the hang of creating your own.

I am Love, I am Beauty, I am Worthy.

I create harmony in my relationships.

I am free to explore new perspectives and possibilities that enrich my life.

Seek Beauty

Beauty is a natural and treasured part of our human experience. When we find something BEAUTIFUL, we feel joy, delight, wonder….ENCHANTMENT!

However, even mentioning the word “beauty” can be quite polarizing because we are all parts of societies that hold specific ideals as to what warrants the title "Beautiful". And those standards have been weaponized and capitalized upon.

So it’s easy for many people, to associate beauty with negativity, and dismiss it completely as a valuable component to delighting in the lives we live.

However, Libras have a natural strength in understanding that beauty is subjective. Their Venetian influence allows them to SEE beauty in many shapes, forms, and ideas - just as goddesses of beauty have appeared in countless forms across countless cultures.

So your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to simply take the time to appreciate more beauty around you and consciously opening your heart to experience beauty in new ways.

Glamour Darling, Celebrate Your Own Beauty

Not only can we SEEK BEAUTY, we can BE BEAUTY.

When you love yourself, share harmonic relationships, are deeply connected to the enrichment of your life…you want to look as good as you feels.

So a fun and practical ways to tap into the Libra vibe is to upgrade our own beauty routine and wardrobe.

The seasonal change in temperature and humidity are the perfect prompts for a revitalized skin care routine and giving your wardrobe an overhaul. But more than that, it’s an opportunity to explore the beauty of YOU and how you embody that to the world.

Words of Caution

Now it wouldn’t be fair nor accurate to depict only the strengths of Libra without mentioning the other side of that scale.

A few things to be aware of when working with Libra energy,

  • Thought they may be the sign of the Scales, that doesn’t mean that Libra energy is always balanced. It is common for Libra energy to become either polarizing OR due to seeing the value in multiple perspectives can lead to INDECISION.

  • A sign motivated by beauty has a tendency to fall for what glitters, but all that glitters is not gold, so be sure that you examine the true nature of what you desire and not just whether it “looks good”.

  • Libra is motivated by partnerships and thus has a tendency to seek love outside of themselves. However, it’s an unwritten law of the Universe that when you are actively looking for love, you see it in all the places it truly ISN’T, so again make sure you are actively cultivating self love.

So, the Autumn energy of harmony , balance between day and night +  the Venetian motivation in the realms of Love, Beauty and Values = A sign with the ability to create a reality with the Love, Connection and Beauty we all hope to experience in our life times.

I say again,

Hello Libra Season…the pleasure is ours.

By tapping into the energy of Libra season , we can each discover our own abilities to intentionally create a reality with the Love, Connection and Beauty we all hope to experience in our life times.

What will you be calling in this Libra season? Let us know over on Instagram! Join the discussion and make sure to follow along on stories where I share my own lessons of the season!

And until next time,

May you live your most enchanting life,

Randi Ruby


Welcome Virgo Season