Cultivating Enchantment

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Welcome Virgo Season

Stumbling from the drunken glow of summer, Virgo season has arrived to chaperone us all home.

From August 23th - September 22, Mercury will once again revel in a turn taken upon the cosmic throne. His influence carrying the message that the light part of the year will soon be at an end; To ready ourselves, make plans and be ready to take action.

Here on Earth, we sense to onset of the darker days of the year with small snippets of morning chill and thunder storms whose arrival has begun to chase away the summer's heat.

The Mutable Element of Earth + The quick and efficient messenger of the Cosmos, Mercury + The transitional energy of the Earth’s decent into the darker half of the solar year = practical, logical, detail-oriented purists who won’t be detoured from reaching their highest potential.

Welcome Virgo, it’s a pleasure to meet you!

The reign of the Cosmic secretaries of the Zodiac is upon us! Be ready to audit, edit and strategize - It’s a time for all of us to cross the t’s, dot the i’s, and execute the plans we know will serve us in grounding our dreams into reality.

Not a Virgo? No problem. Let’s explore how each of us can tap into the potent and perfecting power of Virgo regardless of whether we have Virgo placements in our own chart.

How To Align With Virgo Energy

Self Evaluate

Within astrology, each sign is said to be the natural ruler of a particular astrological house.

There are 12 astrological house which signify the area in our lives where a planets' and signs' energy expresses the most; Houses 1-6 are considered the "personal houses" or the realms of our inner world and Houses 7-12 are considered the "social houses" or the realms of our outer world.

So far we have experienced:

The 1st House of Self, Identity and Initiative

The 2nd House of Values, Worth, and Possessions

The 3rd House of Communication, Thought, Environment, and Transportation

The 4th House of Family, Home, Memories, and Foundations.

The 5th House of Self Expression, Creativity, Joy, and Pleasure

Virgo is the natural ruler of The 6th House of Health, Routine and Wellness.

As the last of the personal houses, the 6th houses prompts us to evaluate and audit our foundations so that we may reach our highest potential as individuals (Houses 1-6) but also prepare us to serve in realms outside of ourselves within the larger collective.( Houses 7-10)

Ruled by what is often referred to as "The Maintenance House", Virgos are naturally inclined to analyze how we invest in ourselves, how we spend our time and energy, and how well we feel doing it.

So to channel Virgo energy, self evaluate.

  • How are you investing in your own health and wellness?

  • What vision do you hold for your future?

  • Do your habits and routine support you in your endeavors? How? Why?

Evaluate and edit accordingly.

Pump Those Standards Up

Virgo is known as the sign of the Virgin, "untainted" or "pure." and Virgos are notorious for their almost perfectionist standards.

But there's a reason for that.

Virgo is a transitional sign, it's function is the integration of the lessons we've learned through the spring and summer months and prepare us for the darker, colder months of the year.

For this reason, anything but the best, will simply not do for Virgo.

Virgo's high standards aid us in reaching our potential by cultivating what supports us and eliminating that which limits our ability to reach our highest potential (and survival) through the latter half of the solar cycle.

Virgos KNOW that we receive from the Universe is often a direct reflection of the standards we hold for ourselves and others.

 So pump those standards up!

Say what you mean and mean what you say

Virgo's may be an Earth sign, but they are notorious for not being ones to beat around the bush.

Due to the combination of the practical nature of ruling element Earth and the communicative energy of ruling planet Mercury, Virgos have consensually arrived at the conclusion that anything other than concise and honest communication is a waste of both time and energy.

The best way to get what you want, is to ask for it. So Virgo's say what they mean and mean what they say - and not just in words but in their actions.

To harness Virgo energy,  ask yourself

  • How do I communicate to myself, others or the Universe?

  • Do I say what I mean?

  • Do I mean what I say?

And then take the practical steps necessary to align yourself accordingly.

Get Organized

Mercury is the cosmic messenger, rules over timing and schedules, and therefore efficiency is of utmost importance to those working with Virgo energy.

The best way to strengthen efficiency? Become organized!

Virgo season happens to also be back to school season, and there is no better time than now to make an investment in your organization. 

Think color coding, a planner, a new white board…small things that can help you do the larger everyday tasks in better ways.

Plus the undeniable savings from back to school sales is surely a win for earthly Virgo energy.

Stubbornly Pursue Your Goals

Though their symbol the Virgin is often associated with quiet and submissive characteristics, Virgo energy is anything but acquiescent.

Virgos are practical, logical, and detail-oriented - they've fully analyzed what they want for their lives.

Virgos ALWAYS have a plan and unless a more logical and efficient strategy arises, these purists can not and will not be swayed from their path.

To harness this Virgo superpower

  • Know what you want

  • Strategize How To Get There

  • Do The Work

 And stubbornly pursue your goals.

 You can't lose if you never give up.

Be Mx. Independent!

As a mutable sign, Virgos are more flexible than fellow Earth signs Taurus (Fixed) or Capricorn (Cardinal). Their ability to bend, lends itself to Virgos most well known quality - Independence.

Independence is defined as “freedom from outside control or dependence upon the authority of another”.

BUT! Cultivating Independence - Virgo Style - is about more than just choosing to go at things alone. (I mean seriously, have you met a Virgo? They are happy to delegate tasks.)

Virgo independence is rooted in their flexibility for not being reliant upon a singular thought, belief, action, person or circumstance in order to achieve their goals.

We can all tap into our own flexibility and Virgo inspired independence by cultivating a “How Can I” mindset in 2 simple steps:

  1. Stop yourself when you find yourself thinking or saying "I can't do x,y,z."

  2. Reframe it as “HOW Can I do x,y,z?”

Developing a “How Can I” mindset releases dependence upon a singular circumstance and allows for multiple pathways to reveal themselves to us, making it more likely that we will achieve and receive our desires.

Words of Caution

Virgo might be the sign of the Virgin, but by no means does that mean Virgo’s are without fault. So for those wishing to wield the power of Virgo, beware of the following shadows that may slither into your midst.

  • Perfectionists - Virgo's are notorious for their almost perfectionist standards. These high standards help us reach our highest potential, but too much of any one thing is rarely a good thing, and those tapping into the energy of this sun sign may find themselves paralyzed by their own desire for perfection.

    It is better to do one thing imperfectly than do nothing perfectly.

  • Quick to Criticism - This sign will go to great lengths to strategize, present, and execute their visions in fine detail. It is their way of concisely communicate to themselves, others and the Universe what they desire through thoughts, words, AND through actions.

    However, Virgo are as equally as efficient at becoming irritable and quick to critique when things don’t go according to their plan.

  • Self Doubt - Both the shadow qualities of perfectionism and quick to criticism are most often applied to the self. And it is not uncommon for those with Virgo placements to struggle with self doubt in which ever area of reality this sign falls.

    To combat self doubt - Embrace the mutable energy of the season by tapping into the energies and lessons of Cardinal Cancer and Fixed Sign Leo.

  • Practice Self Love

  • Trust Yourself

  • Celebrate Your Wins

And there you have it folks!

A concise, strategic plan for cultivating potential - if this post isn’t Virgo energy in itself, I don’t know what is!

I’ll say it again, Welcome Virgo! It’s a pleasure to meet you!

The Mutable Element of Earth + The quick and efficient messenger of the Cosmos, Mercury + The transitional energy of the Earth’s decent into the darker half of the solar year = practical, logical, detail-oriented purists who won’t be detoured from reaching their highest potential.

By tapping into this potent and perfecting energy, each of us can more efficiently invest our time, energy, and money to effectively ground and dreams into reality. And move beyond the self so that we may serve others now and in the future

So are you ready to audit, edit and strategize? Have you crossed the T’s and dotted the i’s? Are you executing on the plans you KNOW will serve in grounding your dreams into reality?

Let me know over on Instagram!

And always remember, you can’t lose if you never give up!

Go get those dreams darling!

Live Magic,

Randi Ruby

P.S. This post is dedicated to the Virgos who have blessed my life with their golden touch. Your influence has inspired me to a version of self I would not or could not have envisioned for myself had it not been for the Midas moment of our meetings.

In spirit may we enjoy the never ending pursuit of our own perfection. Blessed Be.

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