Magic and Mystic Randi Ruby Magic and Mystic Randi Ruby

Spellcraft 101

Spells and Witches? Name a better duo, I'll wait. Spellcraft is without a doubt the most infamous aspect of Witchery. The two are practically synonymous with one another. However, navigating the practice of spellcraft can be a daunting task. But never fear! As a life long mystic, I’ve done the work for both of us. So let’s explore what spellcraft actually is, how it works, and how to write and perform your own spells.

Spellcraft 101 - The Beginner’s Guide to the Witch’s Craft

"Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble

Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble…"

 Spells and Witches? Name a better duo, I'll wait.

Spellcraft is without a doubt the most infamous aspect of Witchery. The two are practically synonymous with one another - if one even hears mention of the word “witch”, our minds can instantly conjure images of boiling cauldrons, candles, crystals…chanting…dancing naked under the full moon.

Thanks to pop culture, our aesthetic lives in infamy and has been enchanting the masses for generations. So if you find yourself pulled towards the witch’s path, it seems only natural to feel called to practice the Witch’s craft.

However, navigating the practice of spellcraft can be a daunting task.

As charming as it is, our culture has become saturated with fantasy. Not unlike many other forms of ART, a lot has been lost in translation between mediums. In this case, from the medium of reality to those of big screen and print. And because Witchcraft itself looks different for every witch, so too does spellcraft, which can make it difficult for us to connect to the Art itself.

But never fear! Witchpowerment is here! Witchery and personal empowerment are what we do here, and I want each and every seeker to have the knowledge to feel confident in accessing the profound ART which is Spellcraft.

So let’s explore what spellcraft actually is, how it works, and how to write and perform your own spells.

What Is Spellcraft?

Well first, if you were tempted to look up the definition, rest assured that it's not worth your time. I know because for context I did that very thing and was met by these two stunningly vague descriptions.

Spellcraft:  "the magical practice involving the casting of spells."

Spell: "a word or words which are supposed to hold magical power, an influence that cannot be resisted, or a trance."

Obviously written by muggles. So let me clear this up a bit.

Spellcraft is a magical practice comprised of intentions and actions preformed in order to bring about a desired outcome. (Because this is a magical practice we know that there are aspects of the occult or supernatural.)

 Also it needs to be said that there is a difference between a spell and a ritual. A spell is done once, where as a ritual is preformed repeatedly usually in alignment with a particular cycle such as the new or full moons.


Obviously if we knew for certain, then it wouldn't be considered magic as magic is attributed to the supernatural. However, the magical community have arrived to favor three ideologies on how spellcraft actually works.

  • Spellcraft Aligns the Mind

    As little as 3% of our thoughts, beliefs and actions are controlled by our conscious mind, the rest is controlled but the unconscious mind.

    The unconscious mind speaks through symbolism. In spellcraft we are using symbolism that appeals to our five senses to influence the unconscious mind to align with what are conscious mind (the ego) is seeking. This also works in reverse, allowing our unconscious mind to have a voice in co-creation.

    When both our conscious and unconscious minds are aligned with the same goal, we set intentions with our whole selves, not just a piece, and are therefore more likely to take the aligned actions that will pull that intention into our physical reality.

  • Aligning Vibration

    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla

    All matter, including ourselves, is composed of atoms. The frequency in which these atoms vibrate determines how that matter is expressed in our physical reality - what becomes a chair, what becomes a blade of grass, and the air we breathe.

    Spellcraft is a way in which we align our being with the vibrations of that which we desire. Like energy, attracts like energy.

    By becoming an energetic match with our desires, our current reality and the one we want are drawn together. And eventually become our ONE.

  • Connecting with Spirit

    Similar to prayer, in this form of magic and spellcraft, we are communicating with our spirit guides, god and goddesses or even the higher aspects of ourselves. We are calling upon these entities to guide and align us with our desire.

Regardless of which application works for you, most often in spellcraft you’ll be cultivating that alignment by working with Correspondences.

Correspondences are items/entities or even actions within the physical world which are identified and accepted by a practitioner to create symbolic magical links to particular vibrations and frequencies which then allows the practitioner to influence themselves, others or the Universe. i.e. Roses are widely accepted as a Correspondent to love, passion and relationships.

Step 1: Designing Your Spell 

All spells must contain two things in order to be successful,

 Intention + Action

The intention is comprised of the visualization, language and symbolism/correspondences we work with to convey our desires to ourselves, ethereal entities and the Universe.

The action is the aligned actions that we take to bring that desire into reality; the gathering of the correspondences, the physical actions we may take during our spellcraft, and then the actions we take to put our bodies into a position to receive the desire.

Before you get started in designing your spell, here are some things to keep in mind.

  1. Your spellcraft does not need to be comprised of rhyming incantations.

  2. You do not need a bunch of fancy tools.

  3. You do not need to wait for a particular time.

What is most important is your connection to the spell, the correspondences, and the format. However, energy flows where intention goes. By adding these aspects to our spellcraft, we are placing more intention into our work, strengthening the connection between ourselves and what we desire.

To begin crafting your spell answer these 5 questions:

  • What is it that I truly want? Get Specific! The more clear you are about your desire and intentions, the more clarity you will have about what is needed to turn those aspirations into a reality. Then you can work within that framework to align yourself with that desire. Learn to Conjure Clarity

  • What correspondences are you going to work with to align with your desires? As we talked about before, Correspondences are the items/entities or actions that create a magical link to particular frequencies. Think crystals, herbs, color, symbols and sigils.

  • Am I planning to work with any Entities? These would be your Deities, Spirit Guides, Ancestors or other ethereal beings which you would call upon to help aid you in your magical workings.

  • What tools do I need? Yay! It's cauldron time! Just kidding, but seriously are you going to be working with any kind of tools?

  • What action steps am I going to take to set energy in motion? I wish spells alone would do the work for us, and sometimes we get lucky and they do. But the majority of the time, we are going to have to take actions within our physical reality that allow us to be in the space to receive what we desire.

Spellcraft 101 - Witchpowerment

Step 2: Gather Your Ingredients And Tools

The second step is pretty straight forward, in order to work with particular correspondences or tools, you need to actually have them.

This doesn't mean that you MUST go spend a bunch of money to get X,Y, and Z. Practitioners through time have used what was available too them and so can we. 

Remember in Practical Magic when Jillian and Sally use white whip cream to draw that star? You can do the same thing. The most important part of a correspondence is the significance it has to YOU!

Get creative! Improvise!

Step 3: Formatting Your Spell

All spells look different based on the practitioner and may differ based on the needs of the spell.

Below, I have provided the spell format I have been working with since the beginning of my own journey.

Consider using this as a guide when writing your own spells.

As always, what is most important is that you as a practitioner feel connected to the practice. So take what resonates with you and leave what does not feel aligned.

  • Cleansing Energy Start your spell with a clean slate - cleanse yourself and the space of any unwanted energy. Cleansing pertains to 1.) Physically cleaning the space 2.) Releasing emotional and mental clutter that might distract from the spell’s intention 3.) the spiritual process of protecting yourself from destructive entities and influences.

  • Casting a Circle This is a more traditional part of magic in which a practitioner consciously creates an energetic standard for an area or act. In addition, casting a circle is said to ground and concentrate the magic within.

    You can cast a Circle by physically creating a boundary, by working with correspondences, visualizing and/or stating those intentions.

 "I only allow that which is in my highest alignment to enter this space."

"Only perfect love and perfect trust will enter this space."

  • Invocation If working with entities, extend an invitation to your deities, spirit team or “Call the Corners” (inviting the essence of the Elements) to aid you in your magical working.

  • Stating Your Intention Verbalize your desires through written/spoken words, symbols and through correspondences. Traditionally spells are spoken in rhyme. The additional intention required to craft the rhyme strengthens the spell and the rhythm helps the intention flow through the Universe.

  • Raising energy In this part of the spell, you are building up energy and creating the momentum to pull intentions from the ethereal plane into the material one; going from dreams to reality. This can be done through meditation, lighting candles or incense, chanting, singing, dancing, even sex!

  • Releasing Energy In this stage, you are "casting" your intentions and the energy you have raised out to the Universe. This is most often done by stating "So mote it be" or "So Shall it be done" and symbolizes the establishment of a reality in which your desire already exists.

  • Grounding Think of this as drawing back into yourself and reconnecting with the physical plane. You can take deep breaths, stretch, tap… use anything that draws your awareness back to the body.

  • Closing Lastly, thank any entities for their participation in your work, open the circle, your intentions are set and now it is time to reenter the mundane.

Spellcraft + Harry Potter Quote + Motivation

Step 4 Perform the Spell

All conscious shifts are created by intention and action. Now that you have planned your spells, it is time to take the action and perform the spell.

This is actually the most daunting part of spellcraft, especially for those new to crafting their own spells. So if you are feeling hesitant, I want you to keep these things in mind.

  • “Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now, students. If they can do it, why not us?” Shameless Harry Potter quote, but absolutely relevant and true. Everyone who practices spellcraft, has felt the unease, the anxiety, about preforming their own magic, yet they have all done it. So can you.

  • It is okay if your spellcraft does not look like anyone else’s. Witchcraft is about understanding our personal connections to the aspect of our reality, so your spellcraft will be most influential when it is a reflection of YOU not some one else.

  • Do not fear your power. Do you fear yourself? You are not separate from your power, it is you, you are it.

So there you have it!

Navigating the practice of spellcraft can be a daunting task. Not unlike many other forms of ART, a lot has been lost in translation between mediums. -in this case, from the medium of reality to the those of big screen and print. And because Witchcraft itself looks different for every witch, so too does spellcraft, which can make it difficult for us to connect to the Art itself.

But hopefully after reading this guide, you are feeling more empowered than ever to delve into the Witch’s craft!

Your spellcraft is about your connection to the Universe. So use this as a guide, edit anything and everything that doesn’t feel aligned with you.

Be curious.

Be Creative.


And until next time,

May You Live Magic,

Randi Ruby

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Magic and Mystic Randi Ruby Magic and Mystic Randi Ruby

Welcome To Witchcraft

Welcome to the Enchanted Life - Where We Live Magic.

Part of the reason that I carved out this sliver of the Universe was to share the love, experiences and understanding of Witchcraft so that others would have access to such a powerful practice of exploration, empowerment and expansion. So today, and indefinitely, we are going to explore Witchcraft - What it is and the reasons that make it such a powerful resource for anyone who would like to LIVE MAGIC. Let’s get started.

Witches…we exist.

This may not come as a surprise since scrolling through any social media platform reveals influencer after influencer posting pictures of their sage bundles, crystals and tarot cards. This is a far cry from when I began my own practice over two decades ago. Back then, we witchy folk were limited to the few books on Ebay, the forums of the first internet and of course (R.I.P.).

Guess who got suspended from the schools computers for printing literature about witchcraft? This person. And yes, I still have them!

Now, with #Witchcraft featured in over 6 Million posts on Instagram, and the content of magazines like Vogue amassing a collection of witch related titles, it would appear that witchcraft is becoming mainstream. (What else would you expect from the generations of Pluto in Scorpio and Sagittarius?) It is easy to say - there are more witches than EVER.

Yet as much exposure as we all experience to witchcraft, so much of it remains a mystery.

Well welcome to our Enchanted life.

Part of the reason that I carved out this sliver of the Universe was to share the love, experiences and understanding of Witchcraft so that others would have access to such a powerful practice of exploration, empowerment and expansion.

So today, and indefinitely, we are going to explore Witchcraft - What it is and the reasons that make it such a powerful resource for anyone who would like to live an enchanting life.

Let’s get started.

So what is Witchcraft?

Is it Science? An Art? Magic?

Is it spirituality? A belief system? A practice?

Is a trend? An aesthetic?

Is it a lifestyle? A culture?

A way of viewing and moving through the world?


Witchcraft is actually all of those things.

It is said that if you ask thirteen different witches what witchcraft is and what it means to them - you are going to get at least fifteen different answers.

That's because witchcraft means something different to everyone who practices it ( and even those who don't). For that reason, witchcraft fits into a lot of different boxes but doesn’t completely fit into any single one.

That's the true power of Witchcraft - it is what it is, and most importantly it is what it is to you as a practitioner.

Now of course this is Witchpowerment, and I knew that if I wanted to share about witchcraft and represent witchcraft to the best of my ability, that I would need to be very clear about my own beliefs and definitions. I began exploring, defining and refining.

The definition that felt most inclusive to all that is witchcraft without eliminating any of the nuances that differentiate it from other paths is:

 Witchcraft is the practice of consciously shifting one's reality or the reality of another in a way in which the practitioner desires.

And as witches, we do so by leveraging the knowledge and power of one of 3 modalities - Science, Art, and most infamously Magic - to create the changes we wish to experience.

Consider these the Holy Trinity of Witchcraft.

Witchcraft + Science

Though often portrayed as at odds with one another, the separation between Witchcraft in Science is an illusion.

Science is the “systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”

As human beings who exist in a physical reality, who learn through observation and experimentation, in part we are all scientists. (Just ask Neil deGrasse Tyson)

As witches, if we seek to influence and effect change in our reality, we have to understand HOW it actually works.

Biology? Ecology? Anatomy and Bio-Chemisty? Physics? These are the collective explanations for what all of this - gestures broadly at everything - is and how all of this it works.  

Science is our greatest teacher of cause and effect. The information that we use

And on the flip side - Natural magic, alchemy, and astrology have all played prominent roles in inspiring some of the most influential scientists through out our history including Galileo, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein.

Witchcraft is Science

Welcome to Witchcraft - Witchpowerment

Witchcraft + Art

Unlike the other creatures whom share our world, our consciousness has expanded beyond the need for pure survival.

One of the ways this manifests is our ability and drive to create ART. We create for expression, communicating ideas, recording events and just for the sake of creating.

If Science is the mind, Art is the heart.

Art is the expression and application of creative skills and imagination.

By exploring the arts, we learn the many ways in which we, both ourselves and others, express and embody our emotion realities.

If we then work with these expressive skillsets and craft works to purposefully illicit a desired response from ourselves and others, deliberately shifting realities….that is Witchcraft.

Witchcraft is Art. 

Witchcraft if Art  - Witchpowerment

Witchcraft is MAGIC

Magic is of course the most notable of the Witch’s Holy Trinity.

Magic is one of the most ancient and traditional aspects of human culture and therefore has been interpreted differently through out history.

 So let's explore,

  • The most widely accepted definition of magic within the modern witch community is, "The Art and Science of conforming reality with Will."  This definition is attributed to the world renowned occultist, Aleistor Crowley.

    In addition, he believed that all intentional acts had the potential to become magical if preformed in alignment with one's soul mission or purpose. (Will, Soul, Desire - Remember these terms, they’ll be important later)

  • Magic is an application of beliefs, rituals and actions taken to acknowledge and/or influence natural or supernatural beings and forces. This is often viewed as separate from religion, but find me a religion where there isn't magic. Deities are SUPERNATURAL BEINGS. Now, no one is required to recognize spiritual/religious entities but because some do…all magic.

  • Magic is used to reference the energy and connectivity of all things. And we use it to describe people, places, experiences and ideas in which we feel that connective resonance.

ALL of the previously mentioned can be considered Magic, or attributed to the "supernatural", because ALL lack one thing - quantifiable measure and proof.


Magic manifests through synchronicity.

Synchronicity is, "the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection".

However, in the case of magic, the discernable connection is the individual.

No two human beings experience life exactly the same. Regardless of which definition you choose, Magic is based on an individual's interpretation of their reality and experiences.

Therefore, there is no way to provide PROOF and thus, supernatural.

Consider Magic the “AND “EVERYTHING ELSE” of our existence.

BUT for the sake of clarity, how I would define magic is,

“Magic is acknowledgmentand exploration of consciousness, sacred mysteries and the supernatural.”

If you are working within the realm of wielding what you understand of the supernatural to shape your reality…that is Witchcraft.

Witchcraft is Magic.

So is Witchcraft,

Science? Art? Magic?


And it may also be a spirituality, a belief system, a practice.

And a trend and an aesthetic.

A lifestyle!

Yes, it’s all of those things and more.

Witchcraft means something different to everyone who practices it. For that reason, it fits into a lot of different boxes but doesn’t completely fit into any single one. (ALL of which will be exploring in future posts - Stay Tuned)

And if you find yourself, seeking to consciously change your circumstance to align with your dreams, your desires…well darling, you're a witch.

Welcome to Witchcraft.

And Welcome to Witchpowerment.

Part of the reason that I carved out this sliver of the Universe was to share the love, experiences and understanding of Witchcraft so that others would have access to such a powerful practice of exploration, empowerment and expansion.

Witchcraft is what it is, and most importantly it is what it is to you the practitioner.

Witchcraft is a Science, Art, and Magic. Regardless of whether you tend view the world through one of these lenses OR a mixture of all three, there is a way for you to practice Witchcraft; empowering YOU to explore your own reality and relationship to the Universe. And in doing so grant you the knowledge and power to shift reality as you favor.

So are you “feeling witchy”? Which modality tends to suit you? In what order? Percentage? Why?

See what I mean about exploration? Empowerment? Expansion?

Stayed tuned darling. Until next time,

May You Live Enchanted,

Randi Ruby

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